Native Programmatic
Reach potential users where they love to share content the most.
How responsive and user-friendly are your online marketing funnels? Native ads use responsive advertising in real-time to match a particular publisher’s content and design. Native offers an improved user experience and greater performance than traditional display ads. Users are able to seamlessly go from browsing to clicking on an ad, allowing for the least friction for checkouts or form-fills.
A recent study by business analyst IHS forecasts that 63% of mobile display ads will be native by 2020. Our platform brings the power of unstructured data to the emerging format of Native Advertising.
Native ads are available with Managed Services packages.
• Improve user experience with less intrusive ads
• Six times higher response rate than traditional display ads
• Personalized in real-time for each publisher’s site and individual user
• Delivers across all media types including mobile browser, in-app, desktop, etc.
• Aligns with IAB LEAN ad guidelines
• Ability to overlay smart targeting tactics, including Geo-Fencing, for maximum reach potential
• Emerging ad format with limited competition and expanding inventory
Why Native Advertising Works Better for Today’s Audiences
Native ads are built from a variety of flexible components that ultimately lead to more distribution via user sharing.
A recent study showed that consumers engaged with native ads 53% more than traditional display ads. In addition, 32% of the users in the survey said that they would share the native ad with friends and family.
Since the content matches the platform, the user sees value in the content beyond it being an advertisement, simply because it’s not made to look like one.
Brands and online advertisers benefit from native advertising because CTR are much higher than on a typical display ad. In fact, if you place a native ad correctly, you have the potential of going viral.
Best Way to Implement Native Advertising
Build High Quality Ad Creatives and Content
The biggest success factor is how well you know your audience and engage them through the content subject. For example, you can look at trending interests within your audience insights to build a high-quality article, video, or infographic.
Choose the Right Platform for Native Advertising
Where does your audience share content the most? Our platform allows you to natively advertise on multiple platforms such as social media sites, Taboola Nativo, Outbrain.
Measure Your Native Advertising Campaigns Effectively
With our platform, you’ll be able to see KPIs that show how well your native advertising campaign performed. This includes metrics for engagement, such as page views, likes, follows, clicks, and time spent consuming your content. You can also get reports on brand lift, CPC, shares, conversions, and more.