Conversion Zones
Measure online to offline conversions with Geo-Fencing Technology.
Now you can reach mobile customers exactly when they are in prime position to buy something from your store. Conversion Zones are the most powerful tool for tracking online to offline conversions in mobile advertising. By tracing a virtual Conversion Zone around a physical location, advertisers measure the amount of physical traffic driven to the location based on the ad served to the audience. Now you know which ad creatives are working hard to drive physical, on-site interest.

Draw Your Geo-Fence
A virtual geo-fence is traced around an area where the advertiser wants to target customers visiting another physical location (i.e a competitor’s store, a venue, or a specific part of town, etc.)
Pinpoint Conversion Zones Around Your Physical Store
Next, a virtual Conversion Zone is traced around one or more of the the advertiser’s locations.
Target Ads to Customers While in Your Zone
When the customer enters the geo-fenced location, they will then be targeted with the advertiser’s ads on their mobile device.
When the customer enters the Conversion Zone with their mobile device and has previously been served the advertiser’s ad, the Conversion Zone recognizes the user and attributes their visit as an offline conversion for the geo-fencing campaign.
Conversion Zone Reporting
Within the reporting dashboard, our client partners are able to see exactly how successful Geo-Fence was able to target customers. You can see KPIs as follows: Impressions | Total Spend | Clicks | View Through Visits | Click Through Visits | Total Visit Rate (TVR) | Cost Per Visit | Daily Visits | Daily Total Conversion Zone | Visits